Archive for the ‘On the Road’ Category

Tour d’Organics Bike Ride

August 5, 2008

It's totally out of my league but the annual Tour d'Organics event is coming up September 17th in Sebastopol. There's more information here but of course the real reason to sign up and ride is that we donated a big sack of Midnight beans for the cyclists!

Tour d’Organics Bike Ride

August 5, 2008

It's totally out of my league but the annual Tour d'Organics event is coming up September 17th in Sebastopol. There's more information here but of course the real reason to sign up and ride is that we donated a big sack of Midnight beans for the cyclists!

Carne en su Jugo

August 4, 2008

I was in lovely Galt, California with one of my growers and instead of the deli sandwiches we normally get, I asked it he wouldn’t mind trying the Mexican place next door. He agreed (I think reluctantly) and I was pretty happy.


Much to my surprise, on the menu was “CARNE EN SU HUGO”, which is one of my favorite dishes from Jalisco. There are many version but they all seem to have thin cuts of cheap steak, beans (Normally Mayacoba/Peruanos/Cannarios) and bacon. This version was loaded with zucchini, something I’ve never seen before but it made a nice summer soup.

I have version on the Rancho Gordo website that’s worth checking out.

Nancy Z on Bobby Flay Show

July 21, 2008

My friend, tour-guide and author, Nancy Zavlavsky writes:

check out the “Bobby Flay Throwdown” show Tuesday (tomorrow) night on
the Food Channel, where I’m a judge. Should be a hoot!

I don’t quite understand the “food as competition” trend we seem to be enjoying but I’ll tune in for Nancy!

The Market in Cholula

July 16, 2008

Just outside of Puebla is the town of Cholula. It has a wonderful market scene that is worth checking out.


On the streets, in addition to more produce, there are food vendors and this young woman wisely decided to haul her huge clay cazuelas out, understanding the magic of clay and food.


It would have been so much easier to bring enameled aluminum but she
knows the magic of the clay. I ate the back two as tacos. One was
blood sausage and one was pig kidney.


I was feeling brave but they were
delicious and easy to like.


Beans in Italy

June 11, 2008

My old friend Jim Eldon from Fiddler's Green Farm (we both sat on the board of the Marin Farmers Market Association) sent me this great photo he got from a fellow farmer in Davis.


This makes me nostalgic and hungry.

Scarlet Runners in Japan

June 6, 2008

Here's a fun email from a new customer.

I just received my order – the Scarlet Runner
Beans look great, I can't wait to get cooking! I also purchased a
bottle of Mexican vanilla, and boy oh boy, does it smell GOOD. I'm very
happy to have found you!

You might find my use for Scarlet Runners a bit strange – my
mother-in-law is Japanese, and a few years ago, she brought these big
shiny beans to the table, cooked in a sweet-soy manner. Immediately, I
begged my sister-in-law to translate her recipe for me! In Japan,
they're called 'Hana mame', meaning flower bean – I'm guessing because
of the gorgeous flowers that bloom on the vines – and are considered to
be cleansing for the blood, and great for women's skin. But I don't
think this method and this bean in combination is very common, even in
Japan. Anyway, I'm in love with my Scarlet Runners, and just wanted to
share my little story! 

Thanks from a new customer!

Does this sound familiar? Do you know anymore about it. I'm intrigued!

Squash Blossoms for Breakfast

May 2, 2008

Everyone knows about goat cheese-stuffed squash blossoms. But don’t let your blossom repertoire end there! In Mexico City, I had this lovely omelet type thing and the blossom was embedded in the first egg itself. Topped with panela cheese and served with a side of refried beans made it perfect.


You can also chop them and gently saute them with onions and garlic for a taco or enchilada filling, use in soups and of course stuff them. They are insanely expensive at farmers markets so I suggest you plant a zucchini or some other kind of squash this summer.

Opening Day at the Napa Farmers Market

May 1, 2008

This Saturday is opening day for a lot of North Bay and Bay Area farmers markets. I’ve been elected president of the board of directors for our local Napa market so I’ll be manning our booth here in town this Saturday for opening day.
The market is held in the parking lot between COPIA and the new Oxbow Public Market.
We’ve had frost as recently as last week so don’t expect tomatoes or eggplant. But there are a lot of new vendors and I think the Oxbow is going to breath new life into the area.
Come say hi!

New Tours with Nancy Zaslavsky Announced

April 24, 2008

There are a lot of ways to see Mexico.  I’d think one of the nicest would be on a tour with Nancy Zaslavasky, author of A Cook’s Tour of Mexico

Nancy just announced a tour to Oaxaca for late October (including the Days of the Dead) and the Yucatan for next January. These are small group (10 people or less) and you better have a drink or two for me if you’re lucky enough to go.

Visit Nancy’s website for more information.